Bring the Jonas Brothers to Arizona!

Hello all! Let me first start off with saying thank you so much for stopping by and helping to support this petition. I recently descovered that my favortie band of all time, the Jonas Brothers, are soon starting their tour for their upcoming cd coming out on August 7th. I then realized that according to their tour schedule, they aren't planning on coming to Arizona. Since I have yet to see the Jonas Brothers live in concert, I would love to see them stop by Arizona, for a quick trip. Since my new interest in JB I have realized just how many people share the same interest with me. I feel that people would enjoy seeing JB come to Arizona. It's would be very appreciated if I could get you to sign my petition to get JB to come to AZ for a concert, I feel that we would all enjoy the entertainment that JB has to offer. Thank you for your time. A JB Fan -Kayla