Get the Jonas Brothers on Tyra Show
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The Jonas Brothers have recently been on Oprah. For anyone, that was a big deal. But now, it\'s time to get the Jonas brothers on the Tyra Show!Since Tyra has a lot of people on her show that are inspirational, I think the Jonas Brothers would fit just perfectly. Nick, 15, has diabetes and he\'s a role model for so many other people who are in his same situation. All three of them are so grounded and humble unlike many Hollywood stars. There are so many people who say that their songs have saved their lives. And this just goes to show how amazing, influential, and inspirational these boys really are. They live by a saying, \"live like your at the bottom even if your on the top\"
Team Jonas from jonasbrothersfanclub.com are big supporters of the Jonas Brothers. We will do anything to support them,
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