Support the Continued Offering of Chinese Languages in Pan-Canadian TCM Examinations 維持加拿大BC省中醫中文考試的請願書
Co-sponsors of the joint declaration 本活動聯合發起單位:
加拿大華人聯合總會 Canadian Community Service Association
加拿大中醫之家 Home of Canadian TCM Society
加拿大抗腫瘤康復協會 Canada Anti-Cancer Rehabilitation Association
加拿大中華中醫藥學會 Canada Sino Medical Association
In this joint declaration, we, the supporters of the continued offering of Chinese languages in the Pan-Canadian Entry-level Examinations in TCM and Acupuncture (the “Pan-Canadian Examinations”), strongly urge the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of British Columbia (CTCMA) to reconsider its decision to accept the planned change made by the Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists (CARB-TCMPA) to abandon offering of the examinations in both Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese after October 2021.
According to CARB-TCMPA’s Notice to Pan-Canadian Examination Candidates on January 12, 2021, supporting Chinese Languages “is lengthy, resource intensive, and costly. Passing this cost along to candidates could create a financial burden to candidates and potentially introduce a barrier to enter the profession.” The reality is that the extra cost has always been passed on to the candidates who elected to write the exams in Chinese. This additional cost makes up only a small percentage of the total cost for obtaining necessary TCM credentials. The removal of the Chinese language option would create a much larger barrier to enter the profession for Chinese speaking candidates, which would generate the very problem the planned change was claiming to address.
Not only was the rationale for the change unsound, but the change process itself also showed a lack of proper process and due diligence. Ever since incorporating TCM in the BC Health Professional Act (HPA) in 1996, the tradition of using Chinese languages as a valid alternative to English has long been practiced in the profession. At the CTCMA annual general meetings (AGM) in both 2011 and 2012, the resolution to use Chinese languages to supplement English in teaching, examining, and record-keeping in the TCM professions was incorporated into its regulations. Therefore, CARB-TCMPA’s decision without passing a resolution in the College’s AGM, without authorization of the College, was a violation of 2011/2012 resolutions. The unilateral decision made by CARB-TCMPA without consulting CTCMA disregarded the legitimate rights and responsibilities of the College whose role should have been respected.
The TCM health professions in BC setup the regulatory College and developed processes to regulate this profession in BC. Every decision that affects the TCM profession’s development would need to be proposed and be voted on by the members of CTCMA. Removing the Chinese Language option in the CARB-TCMPA handbook without consensus from CTCMA severely undermined the rigorous process developed by the BC TCM profession.
Furthermore, the planned change would challenge the College’s mandate to protect the public interest because the quality of TCM offerings would deteriorate. The unique healing power of TCM has its roots in ancient Chinese culture whose heritage is captured and uniquely expressed by the Chinese language. Despite the best efforts of many scholars, important concepts are often lost in translation. For example, the Chinese names of acupuncture points provide useful hints about their functions, whereas this essential information is missing in the numbering scheme of the English translation. Thus, preserving and promoting the Chinese language in the transmission of TCM knowledge is vitally important.
The large and growing number of Chinese speaking immigrants in BC is a testimony to the success of Canada’s multiculturalism. Many such immigrants require the help of Chinese speaking TCM practitioners to address their health needs. Because of BC’s bilingual TCM culture, it has been able to attract some highly skilled Chinese speaking TCM doctors to BC to treat patients and to share their knowledge, sustaining the continuous growth of the BC’s TCM professions in both quantity and quality. This competitive advantage should be valued and maintained.
In any education system, any policy change that severely impacts its educators and students should not proceed without proper consultation with the affected stakeholders. Many TCM educators designed their curriculums abiding by the CTCMA examination guideline, and many students enrolled in TCM programs because of this unique language offering in the BC’s TCM license certifications. CARB-TCMPA failed to set up public consultation with the schools and students in BC. Their rushed decision left these TCM educators and students bewildered and frustrated.
Each TCM regulatory has its autonomy to regulate its TCM professions in the perspective province. To continue the advancement of the TCM professions in BC, we respectfully request the board directors at CTCMA to oppose the decision made by CARB-TCMPA and to honor the resolutions made in its 2011/2012 AGM by continuing to offer the Pan-Canadian Examinations in both Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese languages.
We hope that other provinces would eventually see BC’s success as the model to emulate and adopt the same Chinese language options to promote the growth of TCM so that the Canadian public can receive the best that TCM can offer.
(CARB-TCMPA:Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists,以下簡稱“監管聯盟”)決定在2021年10月份之後的BC省中醫師針灸師職業資格考試中取消使用中文考試的行動,這讓我們感到極大擔憂與憤怒!
2. 涉嫌違法;
“監管聯盟”現在的這個取消中文考試的行為,是和2011年CTCMA通過的提案相違背的。自1996年中醫在BC省立法,就明確了使用英中雙語。2011年和2012年AGM 的決議:BC省可以使用:中文教學,中文考試,中文病歷,同時CTCMA採用中英文雙語網頁。而且另一個更為重要的事實是:沒有相關提案或者通過的立法來否決2011年CTCMA已經通過的提案的合法及合程式性。
3. 不利於中醫和中醫針灸的傳承和發展;
4. 對中文中醫教育院校及考生的影響;
5. 對中醫及中醫針灸相關從業人員的影響;
各個中醫學校的老師們,將會直接面臨被迫失業。 在受COVID-19持續影響且失業率居高不下的今天,這樣的社會風險,是任誰都無法承擔的。
6. 背離加拿大多元文化的基本國策和價值觀;
7. 涉嫌種族歧視和違反人權;
8. 完全沒有尊重BC省中醫針灸管理局(CTCMA):
現“監管聯盟”沒有經過BC省中醫針灸管理局法律程式認可的情況下,直接宣佈取消BC省中醫針灸師職業資格考試中使用中文的行為,此行為開啟了可無視BC省中醫針灸管理局(CTCMA)而擅自行事的例子。這不僅沒有尊重BC省中醫針灸管理局(CTCMA) ;而且也沒有尊重BC省中醫針灸管理局(CTCMA)的權威性和合法性。
綜上所述,我們請BC省中醫針灸管理局(CTCMA) 慎重對待並合法合理的處理此事件。以保障BC省各族裔民眾利益,促進中醫良性發展,繼續合法的堅持在BC省中醫針灸執業資格考試中實行中英文雙語考試制度。