Join the Society for Humanistic Judaism's National Boycott of Retailers Selling Assault Rifles

Society for Humanistic Judaism
Supports a National Boycott of Retailers Selling Assault Rifles and High Capacity Magazines
Please join the Society for Humanistic Judaism (SHJ) as we boycott retailers that are selling military-style assault rifles and high capacity magazines (defined as magazines with 10 or more bullets). These weapons were used in the horrific tragedies at Sandy Hook, a mall in Portland, Oregon,a movie theatre in Aurora, Colorado, as well as other countless locations.
The SHJ does not believe the right to bear arms as embodied in the Second Amendment includes the right for citizens to own military-grade assault rifles and high capacity magazines.
While SHJ supports a ban on assault rifles and accessories such as large ammunition magazines and strips and drums that hold more than 10 rounds, we call upon YOU to boycott retailers who are selling such weapons NOW.
Let's keep our communities safe!
Below is a list of retailers that are selling these weapons AND a list of retailers that have suspended their sales of such weapons. Let's boycott the "irresponsible" stores and applaud the "responsible" stores that have removed assault rifles and high capacity magazines from their online catalogues and stores.
By signing the below petition, you agree to boycott the retailers on the "irresponsible" list and instead shop at the stores on the "responsible" list.
Jay's Sporting Goods
Franks Great Outdoors
Jim's Sporting Goods
Bass Pro
Gander Mountain
MC Sports (with outdoor centers)
Sportsman's Warehouse
RESPONSIBLE STORES (sporting good stores that do not sell such weapons)
Dick's Sporting Goods
Jax Mercantile in Colorado
Big 5 Sporting Goods
Sport's Authority
Please email scooper@aya.yale.edu to add any stores in your communities to either the "irresponsible" or "responsible" list. In the subject line, write "boycott."
We need YOU to keep these lists accurate.
If there is a mistake and your store does NOT sell these weapons anymore, please contact the above email address for corrections.
NOTE: If i-petition asks you for a donation after you sign the petition, you can close the browser without making a donation. Signing this petition is FREE. Thanks.
To learn more about Humanistic Judaism, please see
SHJ calls for a ban on assault rifles and high capacity magazines. http://www.shj.org/AssaultWeaponBan.html