John P. Serrao -wants to work, but can't get hired
John Serrao 0

John P. Serrao -wants to work, but can't get hired

John Serrao 0 Comments
22 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Fayetteville, NC I must have applied to more than 100 jobs since January. I am not getting hired. It's ridiculous! Is there a black ball conspiracy going on here? Do I need an injunction of the employers/business owners here, to get work?If Ihad my daughter living with me, I'd beon the street and she'd be in foster care by now! If I wasTHE MOTHER rasing that kid, it'd be a different story, right? I'd have a job for ten yearsor more by now!Buthow is this kid's father going to live without employment, orevenpay child support. Not so much for me, but more for my daughter's sake, sign to get me hired!


J. Serrao


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