John Marston's signature hairstyle from chapters 1-6 in the epilogue RDR2

Red Dead Redemption 2 is such an amazing game full of details, emotion and interactions. In the epilogue part we play as another character whom throught the game had his own hair style, hat and clothing but as we get to play him, It all vanishes. He loses all his identity and looks like a carbon copy from the preview character. His Iconic hair, hat and clothes disappears. The thing is, in pre-release material we have seen screenshots from his playable state in wich we can see him clearly with his Iconic haircut and also in Rockstar's Social Club missions screens with the same haircut. We fans deserve to get It back in our games throught patch, is not even a difficult thing to do as the hair is already in the game's files. Please Rockstar Games, have a heart and make us this little favor. To everyone who thinks we should send Rockstar a message asking It, they don't listen feedback from single player gamers, only for the online and we already tryed to contact them through social media and emails, they always send an automatic message only and that is It.
What we want:
•John Marston's signature hairstyle throught patch.