Jim Rice 0

Reinstate Jim Rice as a State Registered Paramedic

90 signers. Add your name now!
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90 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
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Jim Rice has been a State Registered Paramedic since 2004. Since then he has saved countless lives, helped many people in distress and worked diligently for the well being of everyone he comes into contact with. He is also a senior lifeboat crewman in Lyme Regis where he continues to give everything he has to the preservation of life at sea. On 7th May 2010, Jim was struck off the Register of Paramedics after a hearing held by the Health Professions Council. This followed his passing out of date drugs to a fellow paramedic for destruction at the Taunton Hospital. This procedure was in accordance with a method of safe destruction as agreed with the British Ambulance Association so was perfectly acceptable. Unfortunately, the other paramedic chose to use the drugs on himself and subsequently died, although he didn't die of an overdose but from a percardial (heart sack) infection. Jim appeared in Crown Court and was totally acquitted ie. cleared of any wrong doing and was reinstated as a paramedic 13 months ago, and has worked tirelessly ever since. The Health Professions Council misread sections of Jim;s statement to the police and jumped to the unfair conclusion that he was a danger to society and ordered him to be struck off. This is a terrible injustice to a man who has many friends in the profession who will attest to his achievements and selflessness in saving lives. Jim intends to appeal but needs your help. If you know Jim, have been treated by him or know someone whom Jim has helped, please sign here and leave a short comment. Jim needs all the help he can get before his appeal is heard in the High Court. Thank you.

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