Jim John Lane, Seffner. Fl

The current property owners of 11010 Jim John Lane, Seffner, Fl are appling for a rezoning to improve their property. Currently the property is owned Fee Simple and contains 2 homes, one which is OWNER occupied, and 4 additional mobile homes. The Future Land Use is RES-9 which allows for a higher density. The land (home) owner has applied to increase the desity to 20 mobile homes, which is an allowed density on the 2.57 acres. The land (home) owner is a long time citizen of the Seffner area and is concerned for the integrity of the community. So in the process of the rezoning they have requested several ADDITIONAL improvements added to the plan. 1)25 foot buffer 2)walkway along driveway 3)lights along the walkway 4)10ft LANDSCAPED buffer with minimum tree size 5)plan keeps the existing trees for conservation just to list a few. This owner is not a developer and is only requesting what every citizen is entitled to. The right to aquire the Highest and Best Use for their land. Please review rezoning application RZ.08-0625 for Hillsborough County Florida. Please review and sign in support! Remember this could be you as a land (home) owner.