Make Dangerous Jetton Road Safe

We, the undersigned, believe everyone has the right to a safe community. To make ours safer we demand that the NCDOT introduce a lower speed limit, provide traffic calming devices, and install lights at the crosswalks on Jetton Road in Cornelius, NC. Jetton Road is a residential road that as designed is conducive to speeding and does not allow for safe pedestrian traffic. Recently, a fatal car wreck occured .3 miles from the crosswalk into Jetton Park. The head on collision pushed the cars onto the sidewalk. This particular area of road is the most dangerous with the speed limit at 45 mph leading up to a pedestrian crosswalk that has heavy foot traffic due to its access to Jetton Park, a Mecklenburg County Public Park. Motorists do not reduce speeds or stop for pedestrians even small children and infants in strollers. The motorists that stop at the crosswalk risk being rear ended because of the traffic habits at this intersection. We the citizens demand that the NCDOT take immediate action on this issue before more tragedies occur.