Jessica's Law for Wyoming

Dear Governor Freudenthal, We, the citizens of the State of Wyoming, believe that it is in the best interest of society to pass comprehensive legislation that will protect our children from sexually violent offenders. In order to protect our children from these criminals, we reqest that the Wyoming House and Senate, with your support, pass a version of Jessica's Law. The Bureau of Justice reports that sex offenders are 4 times more likely than non-sex offenders to be arrested for a sex crime after their discharge from prison. Without new legislation, our children will NOT be safe in Wyoming. In order to provide justice under the law, we petition for a minimum 25 year sentence for first time offenders and life imprisonment with no possibility of parole for a subsequent offense. Included in Jessica's Law is a provision that would require all released pedophiles to wear a GPS monitoring device to ensure that law enforcement can be informed of their whereabouts. We can no longer expect released offenders to register with law enforcement. It has been well proven that nearly 20% of convicted offenders are "lost" in the system. Thank you for your time and consideration of this VERY important issue. Sincerely, The Undersigned