Support Letter for Jerrod Mitchell
June 15, 2013
The Honorable Judge Frank P. Geraci
United States Courthouse
100 State Street
Rochester, NY 14614
Re: Character Reference for Jerrod Mitchell
Dear Honorable Judge Geraci,
We provide this letter in support of Jerrod Mitchell. As the sentencing judge, we ask that you are lenient and consider the fact that Jerrod has accepted responsibility.
Jerrod is the youngest of his siblings. Much similar to Jamar and Joseph, Jerrod is highly intelligent, very caring, respectful and God-fearing. Additionally, Jerrod enjoyed assisting the seniors housed at Wesley on East in Rochester, NY, a place where the Mitchell's grandmother called home. Jerrod is a leader who is ambitious and outgoing.
As a youngster, Jerrod played Pop Warner football with the Webster Wildercats. As an outstanding team player, he received awards for his sportsmanship. Jerrod will overcome the challenges of this case and will pursue a rewarding career. We support Jerrod; and love him dearly.
Family & Friends in Support of Jerrod Mitchell