It's time for Jenks to adopt a mask ordinance

Keep Jenks Safe is committed to the public health and safety of Jenks and its residents. To support that goal, Keep Jenks Safe calls for the Jenks City Council to adopt a mask ordinance.
The challenge we now face as a community is COVID-19. For as long as the virus is present in significant numbers, life cannot return to normal. Even more, COVID-19 is dangerous or deadly, especially for the vulnerable. As cases spike, the answer is simple--we all need to wear a mask.
Studies have proven that masks greatly reduce transmission of the virus, which we desperately need. Also, a mask ordinance is a better alternative than a lockdown, and allows us to go about our business in a far safer way.
The time to act is now, and citizen support is key in making this happen. To show your support, please sign our petition. We will compile the responses and present them to the City Council. Thank you for your support!