Petition for Jeff Boxer to do a Star Fox run through Thanskgiving Morning
signers. Almost there! Add your voice!

Powers' thanksgiving is a time-honored tradition which combines familiar holiday tentpoles (eg, Turkey meat, chucking the ol' pigskin) with modern twists (deviled eggs, grown men playing "Clue.")
One tradition which occupies a unique middle ground is the completion of one-or-more Nintendo 64 games over the course of the holiday. In happier times, I myself would typically kickstart the festivities by liberating Corneria (and the entire Lylat system) from the twisted science of the vile Emperor Andross.
Cut off from this possibility by immense distance and the weight of family obligations, I look with hope to a new generation to carry on this treasured aspect of Thanksgiving. Help me get 10 signatures so Jeff will attempt a playthrough on thanksgiving morning.
- A good-faith attempt to beat the game, ending either with victory or the loss of all extra arwings
- Any path through the Lylat system (and either possible Venom / final Andross battle) is viable
- Jeff may use the internet for help if he so chooses
- A photograph sent to RU at the completion of each level, showing total hits, which wingmen survived, and which path (completed, accomplished, secret warp) taken from each planet.