Benjamin Rothstein 0

JBHA Senior Finals

114 signers. Add your name now!
Benjamin Rothstein 0 Comments
114 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Dear Administrators,

As a member of the senior class, I wanted to discuss the predicament surrounding the schedule for our final exams. Assuming school will also be cancelled tomorrow, leaving only Friday of this week to take our final exams, and having to push into next week (after Friends in Faith on Monday) we feel as a class that the amount of stress in changing the order of the final, as well as our overly-exacerbated studying schedule, warrants a legitimate conversation over whether or not we should be taking all three of the final exams. Rather, we feel, a more compromising solution, one that takes into account the well being of the seniors as well as the hectic schedule of re-planning the finals, would be if a shortened version of each final was given all on Friday, this way the seniors would not have to study for another week and all scheduling issues would be resolved. Another solution we came up with would be to give portions of the final exams as take-home tests, this way we could take the finals now, instead of losing the information we studied this and last week for the finals we assumed would already be happening.

With taking into account the well being of our mental health, as well as our ability to do as well on the finals as we deserve, not to mention the quagmire rescheduling three finals would be, we hope you can take these proposals seriously and with thoughtful deliberation.

Thank you so much for understanding and we look forward to your response.

Sincerely Yours,

Concerned Seniors

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