Jonas fans OVER 14 years old
Bekka Farquharson 0

Jonas fans OVER 14 years old

96 signers. Add your name now!
Bekka Farquharson 0 Comments
96 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Please sign this petition if you are a Jonas Brothers sister, fan, dedicator, etc. and are OVER the age of 14! I need to know who out there is over the age of 14. I am doing this for a friend becuz her family and friends feel that our boys are for those 14 years of age and younger. They feel she is into something way below her. Please help her and ourselves out! Peace.Love.Jonas ~Bekka, JonaSister4Life P.S when you sign this petition please submit a note with your age and how long you have been listening to the boys! It will prove our point further! :o)

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