Please help me get the jonas brothers on the Tyra!

hey everyone! im making this petition because i love the JONAS BROTHERS and i love the TYRA BANKS SHOW!!! and i want the JONAS BROTHERS to be on TYRA!! and im sure all you fans that love TYRA & JONASBROTHERS AGREE WITH ME RIGHT!!! tell me what talk show host wouldnt want the sexy,cute,sincere,loving,caring,funny,thoughtfull&&& AMAZING SINGERS on they're TALK SHOW!!!! :o everyone want the NEW HOT TOPIC JONAS BROTHERS on they're show, radio staion etc.... so i need the help of the best fans in the world the JONAS BROTHERS fans!!! so sign the petition!! its not that hard it takes TWO SEC!!! so what are you fan waiting for SIGN SIGN SIGN SIGN!!!!!! LAST AND FIRST NAMES PLEASE AND THANK YOU!!! MUCH LOVE from a JONAS BROTHERS fan!!! you can e-mail me at getthejonasbrothersontyra@hotmail.com heres a link for a facebook petition im starting: http://www.facebook.com/group.phpgid=20971653475 and if that doesnt work its called GET THE JONAS BROTHERS ON THE TYRA BANKS SHOW by kiki m :) i will be getting IM soon