Jailbreak for 32 Bit Devices

This petition is addressed to the members of the Pangu team that has recently released a jailbreak for iOS 9.3.3 and 9.3.2. In this statement, we request that the Pangu team recognize that there are a lot of people with 32 bit devices, mostly iPhone 5c's, that have been waiting far too long for a jailbreak to be released and that the Pangu team work on, and release a jailbreak compatible with 32 bit devices. As a whole, the jailbreak community would be losing a large chunk of its members and contributors. So we ask, please, to hear our voices, that we do not want to be left out.
这份请愿书是写给盘古团队的成员,最近发布了越狱适用于iOS 9.3.3和9.3.2。在此声明,我们要求盘古团队认识到,有很多人与32位设备,主要是iPhone 5C的,这已经等待太久了对于要发布的越狱和在盘古团队工作,并释放越狱与32位设备兼容。作为一个整体,越狱社区将失去一大块其成员和贡献者。因此,我们要问,请听听我们的声音,我们不希望被排除在外。