Police Officers of Higher Standards (POOH'S-ACT)
We the undersigned, PETITION the United States Federal Government, (CONGRESS), to Introduce and Pass (ENACT) Legislation, (Bill or Amendment) to COMPELL Police Officers (L.E.) (Federal. State, and Local) to take a Lie Detector Test (POLYGRAPH) when they become a PERSON of INTEREST (P.O.I.), in a MISSING PERSON(s) case or a P.O.I. or a SUSPECT in a CRIME such as KIDNAPPING, ROBBERY, and/or MURDER, (E.T.C.). Upon REFUSAL to take the Test, the Officer (L.E.) will immediately lose his/her job and POLICE POWERS. The Test will be Administered by the Proper Authorities, not privately, (E.T.C.). Any DECENT Police Officer should have no problem taking the Test since they have already SWORN to PRESERVE and PROTECT the U.S. CONSTITUTION. There appears to be a DRAMATIC INCREASE in Officer Related (Invovled) Crimes. A couple recent cases of WOMEN disappearing and/or MURDERED come to mind in which Police Officers appear to be a P.O.I.. One is in Canton, OHIO, where a PREGNANT LADY was reported MISSING, to be found dead. A Police Officer was eventually arrested. Another case in Ocilla, GEORGIA, where a SCHOOL TEACHER named TARA GRINSTEAD is MISSING and TWO (2) POLICE OFFICERS (one FORMER, one CURRENT) appear to be a possible P.O.I.. It is known that we hold Police Officers to a HIGHER STANDARD than the General Public. This Test can be used as a TOOL to help clear a Police Officer and/or also to help get rid of ROUGH POLICE OFFICERS and move the investigation forward. It is also known that we depend on and appreciate all of our GOOD and HONEST POLICE OFFICERS.