J. Anthony Browns The J Spot Should Remain Open And Kathy Keemp Manage It!
Shaunece Wells 0

J. Anthony Browns The J Spot Should Remain Open And Kathy Keemp Manage It!

82 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Shaunece Wells 0 Comments
82 people have signed. Add your voice!
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On Monday January 6, 2014, the comedy community was informed of something that could alter the lives of so many talented individuals on a level some may not understand. It was told that "J. Anthony Brown's The J Spot Comedy Club" in Inglewood, CA would be closing it's doors. For some not in comedy, they may not understand how terrible this would be. Comedians while providing laughter often go through personal trials themselves. And not having a stage to help surpass that to elevate their careers would be devastating. The J Spot Comedy Club was blessed some years back to have a woman manage that club. During her time there, business flowed regularly, patrons would hug her coming through the door, comedians respected her and were compensated fairly, there was a love in her heart to hug, talk to, and give some talent a chance whom others may not have. That woman's name is Kathy Keemp. So I ask today you all share and spread this petition in helping save The J Spot AND do so under Kathy Keemp's management again. It takes alot to open a club of this nature. City permits, liquor licenses, construction crews, picking out sets and decor, sitting down with architects, paying all that money for a state of the art lighting and sound system, and having a professional kitchen just to name a few. There is no perfect man or woman. We all have fallen short. The key is to get back up and restrategize in the race. Let's PLEASE ban together and save this club and support the initial vision J had i'm sure in doing all of this helping to elevate the world of comedy. It is one of the few comedy clubs that are black owned and visually appealing on this level with adequate parking and proper location and in Los Angeles, an entertainment capitol of the world. Why it's more pivotal. So it's my sincere hope you all sign this petition. Please tweet this on Twitter and share on Facebook and all social media outlets. God bless comedy, God bless The J Spot, God bless J, and God bless Kathy Keemp!

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