A studio version for "I wanna be with you"

Dear Lady Gaga fans, This petition is directed to those people that loved "I wanna be with you", as I did after hearing it the first time. When I saw it replaced with Dope I felt betrayed. Not only IWBWY was her song for US (remember "thanks for taking me back!") but the live speech was one of the rawest, most powerful performance of Gaga. Showing her true self, behind the persona, talking about the hard time she had is, in my opinion, a more powerful theme than getting rid of drugs. Of course, this is also important.Very important. But why to change IWBWY and not compose another song? We all know how talented she is. Now it happened and I can't stand the idea that IWBWY will be completely forgotten. So this petition aims to make Lady Gaga aware about how much some of the fans loved IWBWY. What I want is for the song to be realeased as a single. A bonus, an extra track ,to be included on ARTPOP 2, to be available only Itunes- I don't care as long as it has a studio version. If you feel the same, please sign the petition. Let Gaga know how much IWBWY meant for us. Thank you.