Ivan & Melanie Sacks
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Whereas Ivan and Melanie Sacks are two of the finest people in the Dallas Jewish community, people who always look for the good in others and always seek to perform acts of loving kindness; and
Whereas Ivan and Melanie Sacks are loved and respected by so many people from far and wide, who admire their sterling character traits and believe that they serve as exemplary citizens; and
Whereas Ivan and Melanie Sacks have been staunch and vocal supporters of Texas Torah Institute, and have been part of its impact on the Dallas Jewish community, from the day that it was founded through today; and
Whereas Ivan Sacks enthusiastically joined the founding board of Texas Torah Institute, helping to guide TTI through all of its success and growth stages; and
Whereas this year is the tenth anniversary of Texas Torah Institute and is a special opportunity to celebrate its accomplishments and plan for its future, and that this year TTI will be celebrating its 10th Annual Scholarship Banquet, with hopes that it will be the largest and most successful banquet in the Yeshiva's history; and
Whereas it is the feeling of the board of directors and administration of Texas Torah Institute that honoring the founders of the Yeshiva at the 10th Annual Scholarship Banquet is most appropriate and praiseworthy;
Now, therefore, we, the undersigned hereby declare that there are no people more deserving and appropriate to be this year's Guests of Honor at the 10th Annual Scholarship Banquet, than Ivan and Melanie Sacks. We greatly encourage them to accept the honor together with Rabbi and Mrs. Aryeh Rodin who have already accepted, thereby allowing Texas Torah Institute to show proper gratitude to its founding rabbinic and lay leadership. We also declare that we will support Ivan and Melanie's efforts on behalf of TTI in any way we can, do whatever we can to ensure that they receive this well-deserved honor, and hope that Texas Torah Institute continues to grow and thrive “from strength to strength”.