It is time for ONE Eid!
Dear Mosque leaders in the UK,
Eid and the start of Ramadhan are meant to be one of the most blessed and joyous days of the year, but as each of these days approaches, I am one of many British Muslims, thinking and annually discussing the question, "Are we going to have one Eid this time?".
As a lay person I look to our leaders to provide direction and real leadership and sadly as a result of the lack of unity from our Muslim leaders, there are many problems faced by the everyday Muslim. These include;
1. The splitting of families: As the next generation marries outside their own families, there are numerous examples of how husbands and wives, brothers/sisters are not celebrating Eid on the same day. All because in-laws are celebrating on different days. It is unbelievable that this is considered to be acceptable.
2. Perception of Muslims from the wider community: Muslims should be outstanding community and role-models to others. However, Muslims are taking different days off work and then need to explain this to their non-Muslim colleagues and friends. If we cannot unite ourselves on our significant days of celebration, then what kind of Dawah is this?
3. Striving for the odd night: Many Muslims try their hardest to pray in the last ten days, especially on the odd nights. If everyone's odd nights are different, how can we make the most out of the night of power?
4. COVID-19: As I write this, families are split up due to social distancing, now more than ever, we should do everything in our power to be united and strong.
I am not debating about when Eid should be; however, I am asking you on behalf of all the Muslim Community, to have a fair and healthy debate and agree, for all our sakes, when Eid should be. Please be the leaders that unite the Muslim community and our families, just how our beloved Prophet (SAW) taught us and not the ones who cause further division, in what should be such a beautiful celebration.
A concerned and hopeful British Muslim.