Koketso Koketso 0


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Koketso Koketso 0 Comments
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We have issues about a lot of things in this estates and the sad part is we are not taken serious. The biggest problem is Electricity we can’t be paying so much rent only to find that we don’t even have a backup when the is outage. We believe that as a owner you knew about this outage issue so why not come forth and try to get tenants backup. We can’t be quiet for long electricity is a need. The second problem is security we can’t be having issues with security while you know so well that we need protection as tenants so many cases were reported in the last weeks and no actions were taken. Women living in this estate are not safe because we lack proper security. The last but not least for now is pavement the last block doesn’t have a pavement which causes a lot of dust and when it’s raining it becomes mud. Can y’all management get back to us As Soon As Possible because we are tired now.

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