UK- Israeli Knights Templar- Grant Request 100k+

We (The People)
האבירים הטמפלרים הישראלים
(Israeli Knights Templar)
request a Government Grant for to enable-
Premises for business set-up and supplies
We believe in a world of vision, But what is vision if we cannot work together?
We take a stand against homelessness, Hunger, Depression, Loneliness and Debt.
These are the goals we would like to achieve with your help.
BUILDING Requirements
. We would need a premises from which to house and operate our large business
. Some of the equipment we require would be - Office Cubicles, Computers, Telephones, Scanners, Printers, Fax Machines, Wireless Radios (walkie talkies), Warehouse to store food produce and other food stuffs, Office desks etc.
Business Goals:
. Stand up to terrorism, radicalization of the uk and world wide. Help DEPORT or JAIL as many as possible
. Help trace and stop paedophiles along with direct help from the police
. Offer secure homes to children of direct and indirect abuse.
. Provide warm clothing and food to those who need it most
.Provide a place of safety to sleep for the homeless and or the abused
.To be able to pay off ALL or a Portion of peoples debt to reduce stress and or suicide
. To offer the Elderly a chance of friendship and hope for the future
. To offer free or small fee services to the less advantaged i.e painting decorating, day trips, coffee mornings etc
. To help Jews and converts make Aliyah by paying for it or a portion of the travel costs.
. To eventually be able to help fund kids education and adults learning centres.
. To have a hall were we can supply Torah's to students, Adults and Elderly and a place were we can hold our feasts together as a family.
. To help rebuild synagogues, houses, that have been damaged by war or vandalism.
. To help other organisations to stand up for our country and for the peoples RIGHT of Free Speech
. To be able to Register Our New Organisation
. To also help those who have No Political or Social standing and who willingly support the country in which they now live.
. To help support Ukip in their Campaign to help everyone who is suffering around the UK.
. To stand up for Israel and the defending choices they make and the Aid they give to suffering countries.
. To fight for a voice in Parliament to help build new houses for the homeless Veterans of War and for the Local British Born people.
. To aid Israel in its planning and Construction of the Third Temple.
. To help aid American, Canadian, Austrailan and Indian people build a better life for themselves without the need to rely on heft bank loans or any other borrowing of monies
. To help stop the islamification of All countries
. To enforce the Law of Magna Carta.
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