Protest against the repressions in Iran

Protest against repressions in Iran To All progressive and pro-human rights individuals and organisations In last few weeks the world has witnessed extensive and savage suppression of peaceful protests of hundreds of thousands of Iranian people triggered off by the blatant theft of the June presidential elections. The religious despotism ruling the country has responded to the youth, students, women, workers, ethnic minorities, as well as political and social activists, lawyers, journalists, artists, and writers demonstrating in Tehran, Tabriz, Isfahan, Shiraz, and hundreds of other cities and towns with bullets and batons. Many have been killed, thousands injured and many thousands detained with some under torture. Houses and shops were raided and cars smashed by police, para-military Basij and revolutionary guards. We the undersigned express our unequivocal solidarity with the people of Iran in their struggle for democracy and freedom. We strongly condemn the brutality of the Iranian regime and demand an immediate stop of all acts of violence against demonstrators and the release of all those detained. We call on all progressive and pro-human rights individuals and organisations in all the corners of the world to raise their voice against these murderous acts of the Iranian regime against the people of Iran. June 2009 .