Apple iPhone 3rd party applications support

Supporting and undersigning this petition we would to point to mr. Steve Jobs and Apple Inc. attention that *We won\'t buy the iPhone if it won\'t be possible to install 3rd party applications* While we really like the device for its design, interface and general coolness, we\'re againist the idea that the iPhone should be more like an iPod that like a PDA. This isn\'t a simple media player, it\'s a pretty interactive and powerful device. Steve said: \"You don\'t want your phone to be an open platform, you need it to work when you need it to work. Cingular doesn\'t want to see their West Coast network go down because some application messed up.\" But we think that\'s ridicoulus that a bad-written app (running in a secure OS such as OS X) could make such a damage. We think that Cingular doesn\'t want to see people installing VoIP apps on the iPhone and talking for free, and that\'s pretty different. And we think that if this is true, Apple will make much more money, on the long term, if it says NOW \"bye bye\" to Cingular and doesn\'t lock the iPhone to a single company. It\'s ok that a common user only wants a standard working device with supported apps. But discouraging the common user from installing 3d party apps (with a simple alert \"blah blah this software isn\'t Apple certified and could make your iPhone explode\") is pretty different than avoiding the power user to do it. We think that a core feature of a SMARTphone is the possibility to run on it all the custom apps that we want. We think that closing iPhone software development to all the geeks/ham-programmers/people that can\'t (or doesn\'t want to) pay apple to certify its software quality, Apple will lose lots of money: who is ready to pay 5-600$ dollars for a cool portable hardware device, if not the common computer geek Apple will lose our money, until (probably in a short time after its launch) the iPhone will be hacked, as it happens with all the popular and cool pieces of hardware out there. So why not being hacker-friendly from the beginning and getting our money now We think that running on a MacOS X basis and with its wonderful interface the iPhone could become the main mobile development platform in the future, saying goodbye to Windows-mobile-crap and Symbian compatibility problems. We think that a closed iPhone could be the Apple faulty step of its new era.