Dina Thomas 0

Stop Unethical Treatment of Inmates at North Branch Correctional Institution in Cumberland, MD

131 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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131 people have signed. Add your voice!
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This petition is to demand immediate investigation of unethical and inhuman treatment of inmates housed at North Branch Correctional Institution located in Cumberland, MD. Inmates have been on a 24 hour per day lock-down for months; they are being denied proper nutrition/meals, allowed only 1 shower per week, and are denied daily exercise (including outside yard and library access) --all of this is in direct violation of state protocol. Inhuman treatment is not an allowable form of punishment; the facility and it's correctional staff are inciting a hostile environment by creating their own rules and denying basic needs; with no repercussion for their actions. Inmates are suffering physically and mentally. This must be investigated. Please sign this petition to demand that the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services and Governor Martin O'Malley immediately investigate and make changes for the health of the men housed at this facility.

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