Investigate Management
Hi let me introduce myself, my name is Candice and I've been researching this issue and have gained a lot of new information along the way. I have recently spoke with Officer Cardell and he has informed me that this is not just a neighbor issue I'm encountering but more of a political issue. He explained that the governor Butch Otter closed the majority of the mental institutions in Idaho that used house the mentally unstable. Now we have many businesses like A&R Case Management who are licensed to hire employees to be care takers. There is very basic training required to be able to start working. It's a minimum wage job and the pressure is overwhelming to the workers and the neighborhood. This is my story I would like to share with you.
We recently moved in to the house next door to the mentally disabled group home. I was fully aware of who my neighbors were going to be. However I was unaware of how A&R Case Management operates. I have absolutely no problem or judgment toward the mentally disabled, I do have a problem with the way that home is managed. It was brought to our attention (my husband and I) that one of the participants in the home has touched a child inappropriately. One of the other participants had shared that with us. Meaning that they were unattended without an employee out front. That conversation escalated until a manager was called and no evident action was taken.
I am a stay at home mom to 5 young children and I believe their safely is at serious risk. I feel incredibly uncomfortable around my own home. As a community we need to step up and demand action. I do not think this group home should be so close to children or direct neighbors if they are unable to control their participants. I find it highly inappropriate that certain clients walk around and have lengthy conversations with the teenagers in the area. They are grown adults with a younger mind set. Teenagers are, well teenagers, I don't think it's a good mix.
Everyone deserves privacy and security in thier neighborhood. Also, anybody who has a mental disorder deserves proper care. Which, my opinion, is not being given from A&R Case Management. I would like to see that particular home relocated as soon as possible.
The Caldwell Police Department has advised us to gather as a community and try to get the attention of the governor. It's a huge task but I believe it's worth it. This is happening in many other neighborhoods and Butch Otter needs to know the devastating affects of his decisions. Please sign if you are in agreement. Thank you