Investigate Judge Gaughn and Baby Janes mother

This petition has been started to attempt to get an independent investigation into the decision by Judge Martin Gaughn to release alleged child rapist Tyler Graham out on bail on May 13th 2013. This petition is also to get an investigation started into reports that the accused rapist is still in contact with the mother of "Baby Jane" (Baby Jane is the name people are referring to the baby who was allegedly raped) and there are even reports that the alleged rapist in physically in contact with the alleged victim (Baby Jane) Judge Martin Gaughn has shown complete disregard for the safety of the child in the alleged rape, as well as the safety of other children in West Virginia. Tyler Grahams bail was set to $50,000 U.S. dollars. Given the heinous nature of the charges, Mr. Grahams bail should have been set much, much higher. Judge Gaughn should be investigated by an independent group or committee, and possibly even removed from his position as a Judge. Even if Mr.Graham is NOT in contact with the mother of Baby Jane, or Baby Jane herself, then Judge Martin Gaughn should still face an investigation into his decision to release Tyler Graham on a mere $50,000 bail. *Update* A rally has been scheduled in support of Baby Jane to take place June 1st in New Cumberland, West Virginia. The exact location is in front of the Hancock County Courthouse,102 Court St, New Cumberland West Virginia U.S.A. Time to start is set for Noon, June 1st 2013