anne lanteigne 0

Give residents of Ungava the CHOICE where they should deliver their babies.

12 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
anne lanteigne 0 Comments
12 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Sign this petition, if you agree that women in Nunavik should be given the choice to deliver their babies in Kuujjuaq or Montreal.  Do you believe that an escort should be permitted and allowed someone to accompany them in their labor?

 Let's face it... In Kuujjuaq you will NOT be given a paid escort to stay with you if you are over 18 years of age and it is not a risky pregnancy. 

Your escort will have to pay for his/her own ticket, lodging and food. Therefore fathers, boyfriends, relatives, adopting parents are affected by this. We all know how expensive these flights are and lodging can be.

We now speak about reuniting family but this divides our loved ones.  What about the bonding during this very special time?

At the hospital there is a midwife who will help you deliver but if there is an emergency you will have to be sent by jet to Montreal. There is no surgeon or anesthesiologist who can perform a caesarean in Kuujjuaq.  There is no possibility of having an epidermal either. this is a problem.  It can be life or death.

There is a possibility that this may be illegal to subject people to a facility at the Kuujjuaq hospital that obligates people to be put at potential medical risk.

I urge you, prove to the health board that the people of Ungava do not agree with this new policy that they impose on you.  

If you disagree with this sign your name.  


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