Charles Gu 0

呼吁中国网络自由 Free Internet In China

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我们是一群居住在世界各地热爱自由的华人。我们坚定地与GoogleGo Daddy站在一起,反对中国政府的网络审查。我们完全支持他们把言论自由这一不可分割的人权原则置于商业利益之上的立场。很久以来,为了获得与自由世界人民一样的尊严,中国人一直在为言论自由奋斗。我们非常感谢GoogleGo Daddy支持我们的自由事业的勇敢决定。 

We, a group of freedom-loving Chinese around the world, firmly stand with Google and Go Daddy to fight against the Internet censorship by the Chinese government. We fully support their decisions to uphold the principles of free expression as an unalienable human right above business interests. In a long history up to now, Chinese people have been fighting for this right in order to gain dignity and respect as human beings in China as other people in the free world. We deeply appreciated this courageous effort which Google and Go Daddy are making to support our enduring cause. 


We hold these truths to be self-evident that Chinese people were born equally free as people in other parts of the world, and that, under no circumstances, our unalienable rights of free expression can be violated by any individuals or institution in any manners.

在此,我们向世界其他公司呼吁:请支持GoogleGo Daddy,与他们一道在中国推动网络言论自由的原则。我们谴责任何象思科(Cisco)和微软(Microsoft)那样通过出售网络科技与中国政府合作加强网络审查的做法,谴责象雅虎(Yahoo)那样向中国政府提供电子邮件帐户信息的做法,以及类似的商业活动。这类不道德的行为不仅侵犯了中国人的人权,而且危害了他们在中国的长期商业利益。 

We, hereby, appeal to other companies around the world: Please support Google and Go Daddy, and join their effort of promoting the principles of free expression in Internet in China. We further condemn any kind of engagement with the Chinese government in establishing internet censorship through selling Internet-related technologies like Cisco and Microsoft do, or even turning e-mail accounts to the Chinese government as Yahoo did the past, or other forms of “commercial activities”. Such unethical engagements not only violate human rights of Chinese people, but also jeopardize their long-term business interests in China. 


We, in particular, appeal to Baidu, Sina and other Chinese Internet-related business leaders: Please lift up your conscience and moral courage to embrace and promote the principles of free expression in Internet in China. Help free your fellow Chinese from the “Great Wall” of repression and fear. Spread truth and peace, instead of lies and hatred, among your fellow Chinese through Internet. 

我们也向美国国会呼吁:请通过Chris Smith议员提出的全球网上自由法案,以防止美国科技公司与外国政府合作进行网络监控,抓捕定罪甚至折磨那些在网络上推动民主和人权的人士。我们呼吁自由世界的其他国家的政府做出类似的行动,推动中国和其他极权国家的网络自由。 

We also appeal to the Congress of the United States: Please pass Global Online Freedom Act introduced by Rep Chris Smith to prevent U.S. technology companies from working with foreign governments that seek to conduct Internet surveillance to find, capture, convict and often torture citizens for engaging in democracy promotion and human rights advocacy online. We urge other governments in the free world to take similar actions to promote Internet freedom in China and other authoritarian regimes. 


Finally, we urge the Chinese government: Stop Internet censorship and repression. Tear down the Great  Firewall that provents Chinese people from free access to information that is openly available for people in other parts of the world. Free our fellow Chinese whom were put into jail simple because they peacefully excercised their constituitional rights of free expression in Internet.  


Freedom prevails!



March 26, 2010


(此呼吁连同签名,将会递交美国会,欧洲议会以及包括Google, Go Daddy, Cisco, Microsoft, Yahoo, 百度及新浪在内的各大网络相关公司。)


(This pepition will be submitted with the signatures to the U.S. Congress, European Parliament and the major Internet-related companies including Google, Go Daddy, Cisco, Microsoft, Yahoo, Baidu and Sina.)




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