Deborah Wolman 0

International Students of AIB

51 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Deborah Wolman 0 Comments
51 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

A group of International AIB students has started a petition. The goal of the petition is to get AIB to revoke the new assignment submission date legislation which robs those of us in North/Central/South America and the Caribbean of approximately 17 hours concerning the assignment due date. The comment, made by AIB, that we get our information earlier implies that our time is not respected as much as our classmate counterparts in Australia. Yes, we may receive the email notifying us that we have access to our material, but we receive this information while either prepping or writing our exam from the previous course. So while our Australian friends get to focus and complete their exams, rest and receive their information for the new class upon waking the next day. Those of us east of your time zone need to juggle (in some cases) a full-time job, Family, last minute studying before the exam, Writing the Exam AND now prepping for the next course. Please advise on the person that we should be addressing our petition to. Kindest regards, A Canadian Student.

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