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Teaching of Intelligent Design in North Carolina Public Schools

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For An Intelligent Design Component To Be Added To The North Carolina Public School Science Curriculum

WE THE CITIZENS AND TAXPAYERS of North Carolina wish to share with our elected officials our concern for our children and the schools they attend on the following points as it relates to science instruction.

Please consider the following points:

(1) The knowledge explosion in the last 10-15 years has revealed tremendous new facts concerning the origin and nature of our universe, matter, space, time, and living organisms. These new findings have rendered spontaneous generation and evolution by natural selection as obsolete and show that Darwin didn't know what we know today.

(2) Charles Darwin speculated openly that he could be proven wrong by new research in the future.

(3) Recent discoveries in science and astronomy has vindicated Intelligent Design, which postulates a definite start time for the origin of all matter, so that Intelligent Design is completely scientific and no longer a matter of faith, blind or otherwise. Defending ID can now be done on an entirely scientific basis and there is no longer a need for references to religion or faith.

(4) The knowledge explosion has led to many "conversions" by researchers who were previous adherents to evolution.

(5) INTELLIGENT DESIGN can now be offered within the science curriculum without "establishing religion" or infringing upon the establishment clause of the US Constitution since the evidence now comes from entirely scientific research.

(6) Polls by PEW and BARNA research groups show that the mass majority of Americans believe in a higher power or "intelligent designer" yet these Americans pay taxes into a school system that teaches a theory of origins that completely undermines their belief system and their intellectual understanding by teaching only one theory that has been proven to be false and is now obsolete.

Based on these points, WE THE UNDERSIGNED, hereby petition for the following:

(1) That the scientific fact of Intelligent Design and all research related to ID be added to the public school curriculum to be taught on an equal and unbiased basis with all other views of origins even if a new view arises in the future.

(2) We ask that Evolution NOT BE DELETED from the course of study because we desire that our children be exposed to the full spectrum of thought in the interest of INTELLECTUAL AND ACADEMIC INTEGRITY, RESPONSIBILITY, HONESTY, AND TRANSPARENCY for we as parents, grandparents and mentors of the young HAVE A DUTY to them to BE HONEST WITH THEM.

Respectfully submitted by the parents, grandparents, citizens, and taxpayers of North Carolina.


Mike Killion Charlotte, NC


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