Axel Rickard 0

Insulin Affordability: A Lifeblood In Short Supply

45 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Axel Rickard 0 Comments
45 people have signed. Add your voice!
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In America, healthcare is not a right. Healthcare is a luxury that many cannot afford, kept out of reach by a cruel and unfair system that profits off of exceedingly high prices and unaffordable rates. This petition exists to shed light on the issue of Insulin affordability, to enact political and financial change, and call out Pharmaceutical Drug companies for their practice and participation in drug monopolization. Approximately, 37 million Americans are diagnosed with Diabetes, a debilitating chronic disease that ravages the body's Immune System and, if left untreated, results in a 100% mortality rate. In order to survive, diabetic patients receive Insulin, a medication that is replicated from the protein hormone, insulin. Unfortunately, a diabetic's access to their very lifeblood is made exponentially more difficult, regulated and monopolized by wealthy pharmaceutical companies. Costing as much as $200 per vial, affording the very medicine that keeps you alive can be virtually impossible for millions of Americans. This chronic disease does not discriminate against the economic class, forcing low-income Americans to sacrifice various needs in order to survive. In 1985, my mother was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, a circumstance that forever changed her life. For millions, the diagnosis is a prison sentence, condemning them to a life of uncertainty, painful resupply, and medical and financial inflexibility. With your signature and support, we can help raise awareness on the issue of Insulin affordability, call out the unfair drug prices, and show that we will not accept drug companies profiting off of our livelihood. I created this petition in hopes that it will one day help my mother, my aunt, my friends, and the general public when they need it most.

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