Innovating Justice Pledge

We believe that…
Fair relations are what ties people together, or what tears them apart. Throughout the world, governments and organizations are failing to deliver the legal services and justice that people need and deserve.
We have an increasing amount of data highlighting these problems, so we cannot ignore them any longer. There is a strong need for more innovation in legal services and justice delivery.
Technology, entrepreneurship and the impact investment movement are new paradigms that can really make a difference. We have seen the potential of justice innovators, yet their impact is still much too low. We must find solutions that can make a difference, and do so structurally. Now is the time for justice innovation.
Now is the time for system innovation.
We respect…
The delicate nature of justice delivery: the importance of independence, neutrality and the perseverant efforts required for system change.
The socio-cultural, behavioural and contextual aspects of justice and the existence of formal and informal justice systems.
The fact that there are many ‘owners’ of a justice system, triggering the need for public-private partnerships and collaborations.
The need for top-down reform and bottom-up empowerment to work together.
We pledge to…
1. Map the legal and justice needs – unlock (big) data – increase transparency.
2. Share our aspirations, build partnerships and strengthen the movement. Empower change agents, political leaders and other champions who want to speak up in favour of justice innovation.
3. Launch or support challenges to catalyse innovation in promising areas and empower game changing innovations to scale.
4. Strengthen justice entrepreneurship education and complementary platforms, toolkits and ecosystems around the world.
5. Tackle barriers and create the necessary space for pilots and experiments. Engage non-lawyers in legal and justice innovation.
6. Activate financial innovation for justice.
7. Measure the impact of innovation and system change and share the learnings.
Do you sign this Pledge with us?
More information on the HiiL Innovating Justice website: http://www.hiil.org and https://innovatingjustice.com/en/
This Innovating Justice Pledge is the outcome of the Innovating Justice Summit of 9 June attended by:
• Salah Al Bashir (IBLaw)
• Michelle Arevalo-Carpenter (ImpactoQuito)
• Astrid Bronswijk (Municipality of The Hague)
• Rein Dekkers (Ministry Foreign Affairs Netherlands)
• Kanan Dhru (LawForMe)
• Ron Dolin (Harvard Law School)
• Mostafa El Feky (Judiciary Egypt)
• Jan Coos Geesink (Thomson Reuters)
• Louis Genet (Municipality of The Hague)
• James Goldston (Open Society Foundations)
• Heike Gramckow (World Bank)
• Gillian Hadfield (University of Southern California)
• Eddie Hartman (Legalzoom)
• Roelof Haveman (Ministry Foreign Affairs Netherlands)
• Anne Marie Hitipeuw (Municipality of The Hague)
• Leslie Johnston (C&A Foundation)
• Tharcisse Karugarama (Former Minister of Justice of Rwanda)
• Vivek Maru (Namati)
• Athaliah Molokome (Attorney General Botswana)
• Willy Mutunga (Judiciary Kenya)
• Bastiaan Pries (Shell)
• Chas Ramenthal (Legalzoom)
• Dan Ryan (Mills College)
• Nicole Santiago (Perseus)
• Haro Schultz van Haegen (Vondel Finance)
• Durreen Shahnaz (IIX Impact Investment Exchange)
• Martijn Snoep (De Brauw Blackstone)
• Chris van der Plasse (Innovation Quarter)
• Jan Marten van Dijk (De Brauw Blackstone)
• Lisa Ventura (World Economic Forum)
• Pedro Vuskovic (Facilitatores Judiciales)
• Ji Weidong (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
• Mieke Wierda (Ministry Foreign Affairs Netherlands)
• Abiodun Williams (Hague Institute for Global Justice)
• Wilfried de Wever (HiiL)
• Peter Kustermans (Next2Company)
• Sam Muller (HiiL)
• Henk Jan Scholten (HiiL)
• Jinho Verdonschot (HiiL)