Save the Inman Square Post Office

"SAVE OUR SERVICE" Boston Metro Area Local 100, American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO, is alerting the citizens of Cambridge, MA, in particular the Inman Square Post Office citizenry, of the following. As you may know, starting September 14, 2009, your Inman Square Post Office will only be open for retail business from 10:00AM - 5:00PM (Monday - Friday). Box holders will only be able to access their mail between these hours making it impossible for working citizens. The United States Postal Service is putting forth a policy in which they are attempting to close hundreds of post offices throughout America. United States Postal Service management is making your daily business with the Postal Service less than palatable by curtailing hours and potentially closing post offices across the State and America. At the present time, the post office at M.I.T. is scheduled to be seriously looked at for possible discontinuance. There isnâ