A Debt Repaid: Life After Incarceration.
Jail, a highly unfortunate situation to find yourself in, but if this was to happen...you\'d have no chance to start life over after release. The American Law System is contradictive in everything it stands for when it comes down to the factors of post rehabilitation. Once a person has served his/her time within the prison system, there is supposed to be a renewed chance at life...this is not the case. Ex-offenders who are released, rather it be on the terms of parole or time served, they are either put through the system of half-way houses, which in some cases prove to be not much help or in other cases simply released and under the assumption that they can obtain a job despite that question they ask you about your criminal history. After repeated rejection, they are left with no choice but to return to the lifestyle they adapted before entering the prison system in the first place....afterall, we all have to eat, right Needless to say, if we dont find an alternative method for ex-offenders, it will hurt all of us in the long run because we might end up facing an ex-offender in his desperation. I propose that we ask our lawmakers to immediately put in force an amendment to the law system. When an individual has been \"rehabilitated\" that felony conviction should be expunged and in addition, ex-offenders should not lose their rights to vote or a chance at financial aid. Therefore we would truly be giving that person a new leash on life!