Infinity should be fired/turned to regular staff
Jade wooohoo 0

Infinity should be fired/turned to regular staff

13 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Jade wooohoo 0 Comments
13 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Okay. I will make this short for you, Infinity came in on a bad mood I guess, I also got fired. I was obviously upset because when I went in there, there were not a lot of staff there. Sign this to show you want Infinity to be fired or lowered down to regular staff so he doesn't do this again. I don't want Infinity to be with share at all but I don't think that is an option because it is one of Leaf's friends. So maybe if he was regular staff he wouldn't go on a rampage to fire 100 people. Some people he fired just started or were actual good and active staff. I don't just want my share back; I want to know that everyone can have their share without someone coming in with a bad mood and firing everyone over and over again. I am doing this because he shouldn't be abusing his powers like this. He was trusted by Leaf and now he should be losing it. I don't like that he was doing this and he does it regularly. This will show us all that we are safe without being fired without a reason.

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