Give SCSD Our Fair Share. Fix Inequities in State Aid!
All children are entitled to a sound basic education. As a result of "Inequities in State Aid," Schenectady's children are being shortchanged. We urge you to review the State Aid funding formula and to adjust it immediately so that prioritized funding goes to the neediest districts as it was originally intended. Our children deserve a sound basic education.
Schenectady, one of the neediest districts in New York State, is receiving only 54% of the aid that our school district should be receiving in order to provide a "sound basic education." Schenectady, with a combined wealth ratio of .38, receives the lowest percentage of Foundation Aid in the area and is among the lowest in the entire state. Out of 700 school districts, Schenectady is among just 22 districts who are receiving 54% or less of their complete funding. Meanwhile, districts much wealthier are receiving funding percentages much higher, some 100% or more. The median level of funding across the state is at 82%.
How is one of the neediest districts in the state receiving just 54%?
The formula is not being funded equitably.
It's clear that the formula driving state aid distribution is not serving the neediest school districts as it was intended and is grossly inequitable.
It's not just poor districts that are being shortchanged. School districts with a high concentration of minority students are also receiving lower levels of funding. We all know that race should not have any impact on the level of funding we receive, but it does. Whether this was intentional or not, it's real. What will you do about it?
We call for immediate change. Please help the students of Schenectady. We urge you to please take a close look at the current funding formula and restore it per its original intent of adequacy and equity with prioritized funding to the neediest districts, like the Schenectady City School District.
Thank you.