Industrial Project
Sphindile Sphindile 0

Industrial Project

77 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Sphindile Sphindile 0 Comments
77 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We as students for subject IPR4701 submit this petition as a grievence for the lack of feedback and responsiveness on behalf of Unisa.
1. Subission of proposals where required and marked submissions needed by students to enable us to carry on with project reports. To date some students whom submitted proposals in March 2021 are still awaiting marks and approvals.
2. Without feedback no improvements are possible by students to ensure project reports are at the desired level for completing their B.Tech Qualifications.
3. The last report is due in 3 days with some students having recieved no suppory or marks from Unisa. The marks are also done in a way that is of no use to students trying to improve on their submissions having a single line question resulting in less 20% per point translating in the student not having done any work.
4. Students also have no way to contact the marker as only an abreviation is visible in the pdf marked document. No clarifications are possible.
5. We spoke to the lecturer (Leader) of this subject and his response was "he is no longer with UNISA and this is our final year since BTech is phasing out which make us penic even more

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