Alex Finnegan 0

Individuality not Conformity!

30 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Alex Finnegan 0 Comments
30 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Please sign this petition for individuality in schools. We intend to change the rules in all schools all over the UK. Most schools have strict rules about how people's hair is allowed to be and whether girls can wear makeup. Theses rules crush our creativity and individuality and do not allow people to be who they want to be. This is not only unfair, but stops young people from developing their own, unique personality. And there is simply no need for these old-fashioned rules! The hairstyle of a young person has no bearing on their behavior or their academic performance. Wearing make up does not mean a girl (or boy) cannot achieve just as much as if she(or he) weren't. Being able to wear makeup or have hair in your desired style boosts your confidence and is not a privileged, it is a right that we all deserve. So, if you believe in individuality, please sign this petition to show your support.

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