Indiana Legislative Action - HB 1134

Indiana Legislative Action - HB 1134

1182 signers. Add your name now!
1182 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We, the undersigned, firmly ask that Republican members of the Indiana House of Representatives pass HB 1134. As you know, this bill will, among other things, protect Indiana children from harmful content, obscene material, and give parents more control over their child's education.

Vital Elements of HB 1134:

  • Requires the school corporation or qualified school to add functionality that allows parents of students in the school corporation to opt in to or opt-out of certain educational activities and curricular materials under certain conditions.
  • Provides that a state agency, state educational institution, school corporation, or qualified school or an employee of the state agency, state educational institution, school corporation, or qualified school acting in an official capacity may not promote certain concepts as part of a course of instruction or in a curriculum or direct or otherwise compel a school employee or student to adhere to certain tenets relating to the individual's sex, race, ethnicity, religion, color, national origin, or political affiliation.
  • Provides that a state agency, school corporation, qualified school, or state educational institution or an employee of the state agency, school corporation, qualified school, or state educational institution acting in an official capacity may not require an employee of the school corporation, qualified school, or state educational institution to engage in training, orientation, or therapy that presents any form of racial or sex stereotyping or blame on the basis of sex, race, ethnicity, religion, color, national origin, or political affiliation.
  • Provides that a student shall not be required to participate in a personal analysis, an evaluation, or a survey that reveals or attempts to affect the student's attitudes, habits, traits, opinions, beliefs, or feelings without parental consent.
  • Provides that, if a school corporation or qualified school uses a third party vendor in providing a personal analysis, evaluation, or survey that reveals, identifies, collects, maintains or attempts to affect a student's attitudes, habits, traits, opinions, beliefs, or feelings, the third party vendor and the school corporation or qualified school may not collect or maintain the responses to or results of the analysis, evaluation, or survey in a manner that would identify the responses or results of an individual student.
  • Provides, with certain exceptions, that before a school corporation or qualified school may provide or administer certain mental, social-emotional, or psychological services to a student, the school must provide the parent of the student or the student, if the student is an adult or an emancipated minor, with a written request for consent to provide or administer certain mental, social-emotional, or psychological services. Makes changes to the definition of "sexually explicit" for the purpose of trade regulation. Removes schools and certain public libraries from the list of entities eligible for a specified defense to criminal prosecutions alleging: (1) the dissemination of material harmful to minors; or (2) a performance harmful to minors. Adds colleges and universities to the entities eligible for a specified defense to criminal prosecutions alleging: (1) the dissemination of material harmful to minors; or (2) a performance harmful to minors.

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