India - stop reserving look forward
Date: 10/06/2006 To The President Republic of India Rashtrapati Bhavan New Delhi, India. From Youth for Equality Austria chapter sub: A petition against the caste based reservation His Excellency President of the Republic of India Dr. Abdul Kalam ji, Sir, we hope this letter finds you in the best of your spirits and sound health. The vicious situation that arose in India due to the introduction of the constitutional provision to increase the number of reserved seats for SC/ST/OBC up to 50% has been a reason of great concern for all of us. To be specific, we are concerned because of the following reasons: 1. The reservation policy will further divide our already ramified society in India. Presently, we are suffering often due to religious intolerances. If the Government plan gets implemented (which we believe is true due to the adamant nature of the present Government), we are bound to see caste based intolerances. It will create a new caste structure among the professionals, namely forward and backward professionals. That will be a heavy price that our future generation will be paying. This is obvious from the attitude of the young bright doctors who legitimately demanded its withdrawal. 2. If the reason for its introduction is to uplift the socio-economic situation of the socially backward community, the government should have the required statistics in hand. There exist two contradictory government documents (parliamentary committee and the commission report on socially backwards) on the OBC population with respect to the total population. On top of it, there is no evaluation of the already existing reservation mechanism. This is totally unscientific and illogical to argue on something where the data doesn