Outrageous & ignorant Glenn Beck
On December 10th 2009, Fox News aired on the GLENN BECK show in which Glenn issued a hate tirade against India, Indians, American doctors of Indian origin, and above all, demeaned the sacred Ganga river. It is obvious that that Glenn has no general knowledge and can easily rank as one of the most ignorant beings on earth. It would be an insult to humanity to call him a human after his irrational tirade. The full video can be watched by the following link: All Indians who agree that Glenn Beck and Fox News have erred grossly in airing such a video, should sign this petition that asks for: (1) Unconditional and complete apology in the press, on FOX NEWS and also in Glenn Beck's show apologizing to India, the Indians all over the world and Indian doctors in the medical field. (2) An assurance from FOX NEWS that they shall ensure that no such shows or talks by any person shall be aired in future with immediate effect.