Increased Security for Lexington Plantation in Cameron, North Carolina

We, the residents of Lexington Plantation, have had the unpleasant fortune of seeing an increase in crime within our neighborhood. The lack of security within the community has led to numerous vehicle break-ins and individuals that do not live within Lexington Plantation, driving through our neighborhood and staking out homes that are either occupied by homeowners or are newly built. This type of activity cannot and will not be tolerated within our neighborhood.
After numerous attempts by the residents of Lexington Plantation to contact the homeowners association (HOA), Little & Young, we are consistently ignored with no returned phone calls and no action taken by the HOA to try and resolve any of the issues brought forth. The HOA consistently says that it is at the discretionof the developer to make the changes in the security situation. As homeowners, we pay a HOA fee each and every month. There should be sufficient funds within the HOA fee account to make some changes and implement a 24 hour 7 day a week security team of at least 2 members for 8 hours per shift for 3 shifts per day. Also, a security gate should be installed that will allow unprecedented access by homeowners that own homes within the limits of Lexington Plantation.
If individuals wish to have visitors, they mustcall the front gate security guard and give them the individual's name. Once said individual arrives at the gate they MUST show the security officer a driver’s license and the security guard will write down the name of the individual/individuals within the vehicle, also the security officer will write down the license plate number and make and model of the vehicle along with the address that the vehicle will be visiting. This will limit the amount of unwanted people entering our neighborhood and causing the homeowners within Lexington Plantation less stress and worry for their families and properties that they have spent their hard earned money to procure.
This will also decrease the amount ofcalls placed to the Harnett County Sheriff's office bythe residents of Lexington Plantation. Failing to take action on the issues brought forth within this petition could and will cause the homeowners within Lexington Plantation to file a formal lawsuit against the Homeowners Association Little & Young, and the developer for Lexington Plantation.