Increase the support and guidence for students transitioning into the workforce and further education
Danielle Aikman 0

Increase the support and guidence for students transitioning into the workforce and further education

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Danielle Aikman 0 Comments
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In my electorate of Shellharbour, Youth Unemployment is a major issue, it being almost double the state and national average. This is why I put forward that the government needs to put more focus on supporting and guiding students into the workforce and into further education as they leave school, whether they leave at 17 or after graduating with their HSC. This can be done by: - Providing schools with more than one careers adviser and enough to cater to the size of the school. - Running programs where the careers advisers go to the students and sit down with them, working out what they're looking at doing after they leave school, and seeing what can be done now to maximise their potential. - Helping students choose further education options, whether it be at TAFE or university etc. so that more jobs are available to them in the future. There is definitely more that can be done to guide students into further education and the workforce and out of unemployment and it starts at the schools.

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