The UK is one of the most developed country's in the world yet why are the still-birth rates so high? One in every 200 births end in still born. Its a common misconception that still births are unavoidable tragedies although research suggests 90% of still born babies have no congenital abnormalities. One third of still born babies are born with no congenital abnormalities and are perfect size, the other third born with no congenital abnormalities but are growth restricted. Most foetal deaths happen during the later stages of the pregnancy. Having a growth restricted baby myself and having a emergency c section after insisting induction, the surgeon actually reported that my placenta was dying and therefore eventually my baby would have not been able to get the nutrients he needed to survive inside my womb. I hate to think what would have happened if I didn't insist on the induction. I was one of the lucky ones but knowing people who have lost their babies, and watching them grief I honestly believe that something needs to change. Currently the average pregnancy will have 2/3 scans throughout the 9 months and they will have no additional scans. I insist the all women should routinely have more regular growth scans and at least one Doppler scan (checks the blood flow to foetus) in the later stages of pregnancy to ensure the placenta is not failing and baby is getting all the nutrients it needs to survive. PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION, SOMETHING NEEDS TO CHANGE!!!!