Increase Budget For U.S. Customs And ICE

This is a Petition, by WE THE PEOPLE, in support of the U.S. Customs And ICE, for the release of increased funding to protect our borders and our immigration laws! We the People, who support LEGAL immigration, are natural-born, legal and/or lawful United States citizens, who have demanded—the President of the United States, “declare an emergency” to have the southern border wall built.
WE THE PEOPLE, ESPECIALLY, THOSE OF us along the southern U.S. border, also openly declare that this is INDEED AN EMERGENCY!
AS every single person that is crossing the border without a legal VISA is breaking the law.
About 190,000 people crossed the border illegally in 2018.
“We the People” also DECLARE THIS AN EMERGENCY, AS THERE IS EVIDENCE of these facts and that most of these facts were MADE KNOWN TO MANY IN OUR GOVERNMENT that our own Government and/or Congress have continued to ignore us and do nothing to help us!
Here, we will also state that: We commend ICE, for fighting to protect our borders, our laws and protecting and securing the Citizens of the United States!
We the People, believe that we should have a say in how our taxpayer monies are utilized, and we further state here that we do not agree or support any part of the new Spending Bill or any bill that will allow for further funding of or use of any U.S. taxpayer money for transportation, housing, and other support, etc., or for the busing in of illegal immigrants to “illegal immigrant friendly” institutions, centers and legal counsel, which is an abuse of U.S. taxpayers.
We request that the budget for the U.S. Customs And Immigration Enforcement Agency be increase to hire more agents and provide more dense coverage of our borders, and areas where illegal immigration and crime is growing rampant.
Furthermore, in State and Federal Government officials so doing the above mentioned, by writ and otherwise; WE the PEOPLE, state and are witnesses, and do confirm by our signatures below, that our Constitutional Rights have been infringed, and if our representatives do not understand this word, we are informing ALL of our States Representatives, Congress, the Senate, & all of their Staff, that infringed means to; Actively break the terms of, or act so as to limit or undermine (something); encroach on.
Furthermore, WE the PEOPLE, will further state the definition of, Qualified Immunity, in case it is also not properly understood. And by such, WE are further informing ALL of our (so-called) States Representatives, Congress, the Senate & all of their Staff that Qualified Immunity means; A legal doctrine in United States federal law that shields government officials from being sued for discretionary actions performed within their official capacity, unless their actions violated "clearly established" federal law or constitutional rights.
Furthermore, we the people do bear witness and by our signatures confirm that our several State’s Representatives and/or Governors & their staff members, also our several Congressmembers, as well as our several Senators, by their writs have construed bills & laws, local & federal, as well as are confirmed in mail, news articles & videos (as testimony against them) thatthey have committed unlawful acts & TREASON, by adhering to, & aiding & abetting our ENEMIES, per 18 U.S. Code 2383 & per The Constitution of the United States, Article III, Section 3[1], which reads:
18 U.S. Code 2383-- Rebellion or insurrection:
Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
The Constitution of the United States, Article III, Section 3 [1]:
WE the PEOPLE, hereby inform States Representatives, Congress, the Senate & all of their Staff members, & hereby give the legal definitions of “Qualified Immunity”, &, “shall not be infringed”, and WE also inform what is, “Treason against the United States.”
AND that it IS “clearly established” in our Rights and by those, gives: WE THE PEOPLE such lawful rights to sue ANY & ALL OF THEM in government, for ANY & ALL VIOLATIONS against OUR Constitutional rights, & to bring AS MANY lawsuits against them, AS ARE proper and NEEDFUL, whenever and wherever the Constitutional rights of the People have been violated and infringed!