Incorporate East Orange County
The East Orange County area has grown quickly in recent years. Counties are set up to provide basic services to rural areas. The residents of East Orange County feel that the services provided by the County can be handled more efficiently. The logical next step and solution is to incorporate as a city. Incorporation would provide local control over maintaining or reducing tax rates, services such as police, fire/rescue, building, zoning, and planning, recreation, public works, solid waste management, and emergency planning and recovery. It is important to understand that incorporation simply fills the level of local government that the County is supposed to provide but does not with a local administration force and personnel. It is not new government, not a sucession from the Union, not a divorce, but rather the creation of a government entity that is closest and most responsive to its citizens. It is usually looked to by the State as the solution to many fiscal and social issues, as County governments are generally regarded as inefficient at delivering services, and out of touch with its residents. Incorporation is government of the people, by the people, and for the people. By signing this petition, you are not voting for incorporation, but you are showing your interest in bettering your community and having a say in what goes on in your city.