Demand Xcel Energy Clean-up the French Island Incinerator

We formally request a public hearing from the US EPA Region 5 Office for Xcel Energy\'s French Island Incinerator. We believe that Xcel Energy should not be allowed to increase Federal Clear Air Standards for particular pollutants. We strongly believe the Xcel Energy should pay more than $500,000 of possible fines of $27 million dollars. Futhermore, we request that the fines be used to support La Crosse County\'s Household Haradous Waste Program and in particular, a new, \"Home Safe Home\" household hazardous waste education program. The program allows citizens to enter an \"example\" home where toxic, non-toxic, and least toxic household materials are displayed. Where citizens can learn about the dangers of misusing household chemicals and where the citizenry can learn to outright eliminate, reduce, or properly handle such materials. Finally, we request that stringent standards be applied to the burning of creosote railroad ties and \"other\" forms of wood waste. Without specific standards on such waste, it will be impossible to hold Xcel Energy accountable in the future.